Chitramala viewers knows that Stylish star Allu Arjun and writer turned director Trivikram Srinivas are teaming up for a new film, which will hit the floors on November 2nd. Now the latest news is that director Trivikram Srinivas is reduced his remuneration for this film, in order to control the movie budget. He had a bad experience with Khaleja and faced the criticism for over budget. So, now he is also planning to make the movie with a bounded script in a limited number of days in order to reduce the cost ofproduction. Hero Allu Arjun and actress Ileana is also reduced his remuneration for this film.
The film will be produced by Devi Sri Prasad on universal media banner. Devisri Prasad will compose the music for this flick. So the movie producer DVV Danaiah is happy about the Trivikram Srinivas’s costcutting measures.
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