Despite medical advice Allu Arjun could not contain his dancing spirits and hit the floor at Puri Jagannath’s residence. He was attending Jagannath’s daughter’s coming-of-age function. The actor and director have been close buddies and were also the force behind the blockbuster Desamuduru. A source told this newspaper that Allu is a family friend and grooved to a racy number. However, Allu may have had a bit much of a good thing at the residence and remembered the medical advice because he kept off the dance floor at the celebration at the N centre where Ram Charan and Prabhas turned up to bless the girl. Yep, it sure is difficult to keep down energetic personalities.
Laxmi pins her hopes on Bala’s next
After creating waves with her dubbed film Kanchana, our Tamil actress, Laxmi Rai, is pinning her hopes on her upcoming untilled film with seasoned star, Balakrishna. Besides providing her with a bit of glamour, the role offers her a lot of scope to perform. “It’s a rarity in T-town and I am happy to bag such a well-designed role,” she says. The actress, who was recently in the news for her rumoured stories about her relationships with cricketers, Dhoni and Sreesanth, is moving ahead with her career and choosing to work with various language films. “I love to do all those jatkas and matkas with big stars in potboilers, since glam roles expand your fan base,” she adds.
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